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Re: 3A Paintball Sucks!!!!!!!!!!

In Reply to: 3A Paintball Sucks!!!!!!!!!! posted by Diveanx on December 17, 2003 at 19:13:13:

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Posted by:

on December 26, 2006 at 06:57:30

The below statements are total in my opinion based on my experiences.

3A paintball is of poor quality and offers poor service. I purchased a 88/4500 tank from them for what I thought was a good deal. When I received the tank it had a large deap scratch on the regulator. The first time I filled it, the glass on the gauge popped off and leaked. I purchased a new gauge and installed it. After using it for one tournament the fill nipple was leaking, I purchased a new fill nipple and installed it. Two tournaments later the regulator was leaking out a small hole in the side, I don't know what the hole was there for.
The entire time I was filling and using this tank, I was also using a Crossfire tank that was being filled in the same manner from the same compressor and had no problems. I figured it was just a bad run of luck with this tank and got rid of it.
I thought I'd give 3A paintball another chance, so I bought a 3A paintball scuba fill station. Guess what, it showed up badly scratched. The first time I used it the glass on the gauge blew off and the gauge leaked! I tried to contact 3A but got no answer. I left several messages with return information but never got a return. In frustration I threw the fill station away!
I'd also like to add something about the intelligence level of the person who ran their eBay actions. After receiving the fill station I purchased on eBay, I decided to leave them a neutral feedback. I was then left with a neutral feedback stating I had left them a negative feedback and other sellers 'BEWARE'. Wow!
It is in my opinion based only on my experiences that 3A paintball is a poor paintball company. Your experiences maybe different then mine. If you are going to purchase an item from them, I would recommend studying their return and service practices. It may also be a good idea to communicate with them on the phone before a purchase.
I encourage you to further educate yourself by searching for '3a paintball' and read some of the opinions on the returning websites.

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