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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

Re: Ported barrel & low pressure marker

In Reply to: Re: Ported barrel & low pressure marker posted by Pat Mulligan on November 30, 2002 at 09:05:47:

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Posted by:
on December 02, 2002 at 15:53:22

I don't think you need to spend all that money to get what your looking for. The stock valve can go under 300 psi with a spring kit (maddman is good) without flow problems, the stock bolt is very high flow already, hammer - I'm not sure how a heavy one makes it quieter, you can adjust the stock front reg easily, it's just more time consuming, but once set you never have to mess with it anyway. I don't see what difference an adjustable tank has on decibel level of the shots, the inline reg regulates the air the gun runs on already. A huge difference is in the porting of the barrel, more ports = quieter shots, but more air consumption, big complaint for Smart Parts AA barrels. 32 degrees makes their Whisper barrel and claim 32 db of sound. Hope it helps.


: An LP valve, high flow LP bolt, heavy hammer, larger bore ram, and externally adjustable front reg to lower cocking pressure, adjustable nitro (most pros don't use presets) (allows them to lower their input pressure to the reg), a well ported barrel (like boomstick, freak etc.) and you too could have a very quiet marker

: : : I was watching this tourney and i noticed that the guns those pros use are SOOO quiet, is it the nitro or the barrel or what?

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