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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

Re: What pressure your maker operating on?

In Reply to: What pressure your maker operating on? posted by Ras Masyean on December 04, 2002 at 18:06:28:

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Posted by:
on December 04, 2002 at 18:45:28

I think low pressure is anything under 500, but cockers and their clones can go considerably less, AKALMP claims 180ish psi operating pressure for their Merlins with Tornado valve. I think (if I read correctly) his trigger rod movement is 1.5 mm, not the stroke of the trigger, I believe the trgger pull of swing triggers is actually longer than slide triggers. Hope it helps.


: Is yours HP or LP. The way I understand it is that LP markers (~200-250 psi) have a longer "valve dwell time" which in turn requires a longer "bolt forward" duration during the trigger stroke. Thus if you make the trigger too short, you will get blowback with an LP marker. Should I increase the operating pressure to make a short vavle dwell time ot get this 1.5 mm tigger pull? 1.5 mm is pretty darn short. You aren't exageration are you? ;)

: Also, do you use a stainless steel bolt to make your cocking "slower" from the inertia to prevent blowback...if this extra weight actually makes a difference!

: : I've got a 2k1 STO with the "Bomb" and a WGP hinge. My trigger pull, movement of actuating/timing rod, is slightly more than 1.5MM. This is with suction and functioning mechanically as it should. Any shorter and you will you start to sacrfice overall performance of your marker. Suction is the ideal but as long as you don't have any blowback you're OK.

: : Rick

: :
: : : How short can you guys get the Bomb 3-way stroke and still work properly. Can you still make it "suck a tissue" into the feed tube when making it real short? It seems the shorter I get it the less it makes a vaccuum on the feed tube. : Is this vaccuum really neccesary like some people say? I mean sucking a tissue won't have the same effect on a heavier paintball right? As long as you don't blow the tissue out, my guess is that its the same...correct me if I'm wrong.

: : : Thanks for any! :)

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