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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

Re: Completely Custom Cocker

In Reply to: Completely Custom Cocker posted by Darby_Crash on December 29, 2002 at 02:14:47:

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Posted by:
on December 29, 2002 at 16:00:57

Well, I can only give you what I think is the best. No one knows the true best because someone always has a problem with some products and some with others.

I would recommend a merlin body. Comes raw and ready for milling to your liking. Don't want milled? I would then recommend a spanky. They pre mill for you so you don't have to come up with a design.

I would recommend either a custom built slide action, or an eclipse swing. Both are far worth the extra cash so you can have it the way you want it. Consider going electric too. The uprise frame is a simple bolt up frame, no hasssle. The eclipse system has worked quite well from what i have seen, and isn't to difficult to install.

I prefer AKA for the bolt and valve. Both are extremely tough and AKA gives the valve a lifetime warranty. Setup correctly with the right spring setup can get you 2000+ shots out of a 20 oz co2 tank and an operating pressure of about 200 psi.

Pneumatics are a different story (though not all are required when getting an electronic system). If I was to by a simple block, then I would hold out for the orracle front block. Bolts up and one of the best systems I have ever used. If I was to piece one together. I would get the orracle 3 way, a sto ram, and an Palmer rock reg. The 3 way is the shortest, the ram is one of the most reliable and the rock is just flat out tough.

For a barrel, Freak all the way. I have said it before and I will say it again, every single gun I will get from here on out will have a freak on it, unless SP makes a better one.

Finally, the reg. I have two I love. The palmer stabilizer and the Smart parts max flow. Both are extremely stable and have good flow rate and both are in the hundred dollar range. I just like the max flow a little more for its size and how it fits my hand better.

The rest are minor details that have more asthetic details then anything. I normally go with an SS hammer, and some cocking rod that matches the body. Remember, these are what I like and would put on a gun if I could afford a custom cocker. Not everyone will agree with me. Hope this helps.

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