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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

Re: Head Hunter is/is NOT full of BS... ?

In Reply to: Head Hunter is/is NOT full of BS... ? posted by Dale on April 17, 2003 at 14:53:31:

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Posted by:
Steve "Sneaky Man" Herman
on April 17, 2003 at 21:51:25

I would have to agree with you for a couple of reasons...
1) Most of the tolerances on the guns themselves aren't as tight as those advertised by the freak and other barrel kits. I seriously doubt that a piece of gelatin can hold .001" tolerances in varying weather conditions.
2) The kinds of velocities and forces we are talking about when we're referring to paintball guns are no where near what would require that kind of precision (ie .001" changes in barrel diameter).

I would say that, yes, most of these barrel kits are just a bunch of hype, but I would say that if there was a kit that had, say, .01" difference in the bore size, then it might be something I would look in to. I would say also that so long as the paint fits OK, you should be fine, because going along with point 2, we're not talking about huge forces here, and no matter how you look at it, paintguns are not terribly accurate in and of themselves. What is the most important to me in my quest for accuracy? First and foremost, practice. Sure, my GUN can hit what it points at, but can I?? I practice with the same paint, same barrel, same everything, so I know instictively where my rounds are going to go every time. Second, I try to get the roundest paint possible (which coincides with what you were saying). Unfortunatly, I can't afford marbs, but you get the idea. Actually, come to think of it, marbs roll out of my barrel sometimes, so a little larger paint works best for me. Third and finally, I make sure my barrel is as absolutely smooth as possible, because we've all seen insane hooks that come from little peices of shell and tiny imperfections in the barrel.

Well there's my two cents!!

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