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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker


In Reply to: That's swanky! posted by Gotin_Drachenhart on August 11, 2003 at 21:31:48:

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Posted by:

on September 06, 2003 at 13:48:56

: No clue, but I've been jonzing for something like this sense back in the late 80's! Guess I shoulda filed a patent *grin*

: I've been wondering when our sport would start to merge with airsoft's technology. Especially if SP actually wins their suits. Our sport will need to turn to mechanical perfection in order to skirt around their greedy arses. So I figure, if airsoft does such a good job of having gas in the mag WITH ammo too, why not us?

: Gotin

Maybe there are a few technical hurdles to jump first? Im not really sure what kind of propellant green gas, or whatever its called, really is. It takes much more energy to move a paintball than an airsoft "bb", so maybe that has influenced airsoft and paintball propellant technology along different paths. I do admire the integrated tech found in most airsoft guns, but is it compatable all the complexities associated w/ paintball? And what is Smart Parts planning anyway?


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