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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

the deal is

In Reply to: WUTS THE DEAL posted by Trev-o knoxville on November 09, 2003 at 23:03:09:

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Posted by:
on November 10, 2003 at 22:30:58

: wuts the deal with automags and mini mags wuts so good about them i dont get y they r like 200 bux

The deal with AGD automags and Minimags are that they are the same excellent quality gun that they've always been. The rise of the electro however pushed the mags out of the limelight of 'hotass' guns, but as you and anyone else with a brain can figure out that hasn't made the qualityof the Mags and all the variants drop one notch.
If anything, AGD has come out with new variants which are excellent performers in reliability, accuracy, and rate of fire.
The base model, the Mag Classic w/standard feed can shoot great though the next step up is better for most players (the classic with powerfeed). The only thing you need to do is use an adjustable HPA system to reallly get good results with a mag. If you do that, (air america is still selling their Raptors online for $189!) you will have a very good paintball gun. Upgrade it to an Xvalve w/level 10 bolt and you'll be realllly happy especially if you input around 820 psi. (many screw-ins don't actually put out a true 800)
Mags are great guns, but they're non-chalent. I have a tester cocker which I use to test all manner of parts and kit, but when I play I'm almost always using my Xvalve Mag.

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