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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

E-Blade vs a new Angel/Matrix/Strange Impy

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Posted by:

on April 24, 2003 at 03:35:35

I am guessing this kinda question has been posted for a while so excuse my ineptness.

Recently due to some new aquirements to my team I have shifted to another position, mid/back but mainly back. What I need now is an instrument to rain down the paint while keeping a deal of accuracy and Im finding my cocker to be a bit sluggish in this dept compared to most electros out there.

Ive tried angels, a matrix lCD, 2 diff impys (stock vision and Strange) and also a GT Timmy. The one thing I havent been able to test yet is a E-Blade cocker. Now ive been a " cocker guy " for quite some time now and I am hessitant to give up the accuracy of my cocker. If I were to upgrade it would be buying and E-blade and putting it on a 02 vert feed body so it would cost a great deal less then buying a new angel/etc

So the question is... how do you rate an E-Blade cocker vs the high end markers out there? Is the speed comparable? Am I right to assume that accuracy is not effected that much?

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