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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker


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Posted by:
Corey "Geek1246" Post

on August 04, 2003 at 13:35:17

I did some more checking on the lawsuit and this is what I heard from one of our local unbiased stores. Everyone that makes an electronic trigger has been paying royalties to SP for years because of this including ICD. The reason behind the lawsuite is that ICD just up and said sorry we aren't paying that anymore. Now how much truth there is to this? I don't know, but it does make sense. Lets face it, why would SP not sue or put a stop to all the Eframe designs before now so that they could corner the market. It isn't like they are under new management. If it was your patent and they were paying you royalties for years then just all of a sudden quite, what would you do? Although it sucks that this is happening, I try to look from both sides of the fence. I am not deffending SP or ICD. Don't flame this, use your head and think about it.

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